Original Prusa i3 MK3S Review

Original Prusa i3 MK3S Review

Prusa Research’s flagship 3D printer, the Original Prusa i3 MK3S, is a successor of the Prusa i3, which was marketed by the firm when it was founded in 2012. The i3 MK3S is easy to operate and consistently generated good-quality prints in our tests, as befitting a 3D printer that sprang from the RepRap heritage and has been constantly upgraded over the years. It’s a simple Editors’ Choice for amateurs and manufacturers looking for a mid-priced 3D printer. The new printer includes a modified extruder that allows users to replace the nozzle without disassembling the extruder assembly, as well as some additional improvements that we’ll go over in this i3 MK3S review. 


  • When it comes to features, the Prusa i3 MK3 will have a vast list. 
  • But first, let’s talk about how this 3D printer, built by Josef Prusa for the RepRap project, is open source. 
  • The MK3 source files are available online, making it easy for developers to customize the 3D printer to their specifications. 
  • This printer also has several sensors to guarantee that your 3D printing jobs are safe, quick, and easy to complete. 
  • If the print head stops moving for whatever reason, this printer will stop printing.


With its black and orange color scheme, the Prusa i3 MK3 is an open-framed Cartesian type printer that looks identical to its predecessor, the MK2. The MK3 features an aluminum frame and a better Y-axis. The Original Prusa i3 MK3 is quite similar to the MK3S in terms of design. Prusa only updated a few technological features, but the overall structure remained the same. The printer, like the XYZprinting Nobel 3D, has an LCD screen that is controlled by a spinning knob. You’ll need a USB cable to connect this printer to your computer, but you can alternatively save your print job to an SD card and insert it into the printer to get it to function.


A USB connector and an SD card drive are included in the Prusa i3 MK3. Wireless connections can also be added to your printer. A USB connection is used to connect to a computer. The i3 MK3S includes a USB 2.0 One-B port, which is similar to the type used on most printers. It also allows you to print from an SD card. It does come with one that is full of test files.

Safety: Because the Prusa i3 MK3S is an open-frame printer, it’s vital to keep children, dogs, and other things made of materials away from it while it’s printing. like plastic or paper that might melt or ignite if they come into touch with the hot extruder. Fortunately, the extruder and build plate immediately cool down once a print job is completed. The Prusa i3 MK3S is also relatively quiet, which is not frequently the case with an open-frame printer


PrusaSlicer 2.2, an open-source tool that converts 3D object files into G-code files, is used by the Prusa i3 MK3S. These files serve as instructions for printing the object using a 3D printer. You may either transfer your Gcode files to the printer via USB or store them on an SD card and print directly from there. Surprisingly, it couldn’t slice one item that Cura-based tools had no issue slicing and printing.


Our i3 MK3S test device was prebuilt, but it functioned perfectly right out of the box. The only thing that needed to be put together was the spool holder, which was as simple as snapping three plastic parts together. Unlike the first Prusa Mini kit, which needed a long time to calibrate before printing, this one passed all of the tests with flying colors. It printed all of our test objects accurately and without errors.


The Prusa i3 MK3 makes printing a snap. To load the filament, you don’t need to make any adjustments. The printer bed heats up quickly and prints with excellent quality. It prints quite quickly and may be very quietly while doing so, even if you’re standing next to the printer. One of the greatest 3D printers I’ve seen is the Prusa i3 MK3S. Almost 80% of the things it generated had above-average print quality. The only hiccup I had was when printing halted in the middle of a print and I was told to unload and refill the filament. Fortunately, the printer was able to detect the issue and restart printing.


  • User handbook that is both useful and well produced. 
  • Excellent resources for assistance 
  • Software that is both versatile and user-friendly
  • Prints of consistently excellent quality 
  • In our tests, there were no misprints. 
  • A one-kilogram PLA spool is included.


  • If there are children or dogs present all across the printing process, it may be necessary to keep an eye on them.


The Original Prusa i3 MK3S fully assembled edition is simple to install, operate and has excellent slicing software. In our tests, it regularly generated gorgeous printouts with no misprints.

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